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10. Mundofy Essentials

Mundofy's 15-Year Investment Horizon

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Mundofy operates with a 15-year investment horizon. This means that any investment made is expected to generate a full return within 15 years. While shorter recovery periods are generally preferred, longer-term investments may be considered if they serve a strategic purpose. This horizon guides Mundofy’s investment decisions and ensures that capital is allocated to projects that offer both short-term returns and long-term value creation. It also aligns with Mundofy’s commitment to sustainable investing and generating value for MEDRE token holders.

Why a 15-Year Horizon?
The 15-year investment horizon is a strategic decision by Mundofy, based on several factors:

  • Long-term Vision: Mundofy is committed to building a sustainable and profitable hospitality venture in the Mediterranean. The 15-year horizon allows for a long-term perspective, enabling Mundofy to make strategic investments that may not generate immediate returns but contribute to the company’s overall growth and expansion plans.  
  • Market Stability: The real estate market is subject to cyclical trends and economic conditions. A 15-year horizon allows Mundofy to ride out market fluctuations and capitalize on the long-term growth potential of the Mediterranean real estate market.  
  • Investor Confidence: The 15-year horizon provides a clear and predictable timeframe for investors, instilling confidence in Mundofy’s commitment to generating long-term value.
  • Thoughtful Investment (Priority): The 15-year horizon encourages a more thoughtful and analytical approach to investment, discouraging impulsive decisions based on superficial appeal. It emphasizes the importance of evaluating the long-term financial viability and strategic fit of an investment, rather than simply acquiring properties based on their aesthetic appeal or short-term profit potential. This focus on thoughtful investment is a key factor in Mundofy’s investment strategy, ensuring that capital is allocated to projects that generate sustainable value for MEDRE token holders.

Strategic Investments
Mundofy recognizes that certain investments may take longer to fully recover. These investments will typically be strategic in nature, contributing to Mundofy’s overall growth and expansion plans. Examples of such strategic investments include:

  • Landmark properties: Acquiring iconic or historically significant properties that enhance Mundofy’s brand and reputation.
  • Sustainable technologies: Implementing innovative and environmentally friendly technologies that reduce Mundofy’s carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

These strategic investments, while potentially exceeding the 15-year recovery period, are essential for Mundofy’s long-term growth and sustainability. They demonstrate Mundofy’s commitment to creating value for MEDRE token holders and contributing to the communities in which it operates.  

Governance Vote for Strategic Investments
In any event where a strategic investment opportunity arises that has the potential to break the 15-year investment horizon, and Mundofy has the time and resources to carefully consider it without jeopardizing its ability to secure the investment, the company will utilize the governance vote as outlined in the whitepaper. This ensures that MEDRE token holders have a voice in Mundofy’s long-term investment strategy and reinforces Mundofy’s commitment to transparency and community involvement.

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